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The International Conference of CISGE (Centro Italiano per gli Studi Storico – Geografici – Italian Center for Historical – Geographic Studies) at Salerno University
From 10th to 11th December 2024 the International Conference of CISGE (Centro Italiano per gli Studi Storico-Geografici - Italian Center for Historical-Geographic Studies) was held at the University of Salerno (Fisciano Campus) entitled Place Names, Perceptions and Territorial Portraits. Critical Lessons, Methods and new Perspectives between Research and Didactics.
About 80 scholars with different specializations, ranging from history to history of explorations, linguistics, cartography, cultural geography and didactics attended the conference. Almost 60 reports were presented by professors and researchers from different disciplines under the umbrella of the sole subjects of place names. The major result of the conference was the discussions of the meaning of place names, according to the different scientific skills and point of view, with very interesting comparisons. The topic of critical toponymy was also touched upon, which Giuseppe Muti has been dealing with for some time. He has also established an AGEI (Associazione dei Geografi Italiani – Association of Italian Geographers) working group with the same title.
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