During the International Geographical Congress (Beijing 21-25 August 2015) about 20 papers were
presented for discussion.
Approved Sessions – IGC 2016 – Late Updated Dec. 9, 2015 (1);
Second Circular of IGC Beijing – Late Updated 30 Nov;
Instruction for Abstract Submission & Abstract Sample
IGC 2016, 33 rd International Geographical Congress. 21-25 August, Shaping our harmonious
Worlds 2016 Beijing, China. Programme. International Geographical Union 21-25 August, 2016.
China National Convention Center, Beijing, China.
At the Session presented by the IGU-ICA Commission “Place Names As Social Constructs” 10 papers were approved about the Economic value of other side of place names (by Sungjae Choo et al.), The Toponymic Brand Equity in Seoul, Korea (by Heesu Kim et al.), Metamorphic Toponymic identities in urban villages of NCT of Delhi (by Kriti Kanaujia), Post-colonial urbanization and changes of vernacular Toponyms around Bupyeoun-gu, Incheon (by Je Hun Ryu), Diachronic analysis of the Geodonymic (street name) space of Ashtana City (by Madina Tussupbekova et al.), The definition of Toponyms Mentioned in Secret History of Mongols (by Dash Doljin), Spatial Patterns of Manchu Place Names in Northeast China (by Zhu Zhenhua et al.), Probing the place identity via the naming of bus stops (by Dong Po Deng), Cultural Interpretation of place name brand in the process of Marketzation – As an example of “ChenMai BailLian Goose” (by Zhaoliang Zhangzhengsheng), Spatial politics of street names between Taipei and Shanghai (by Huang Wenchuan).