This is the report of the Kyoto Regional Conference
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Minutes of the Business Meeting of the Toponymy commission 8 Aug 2013
Kyoto International Conference Centre Rm 504 8:30-9:30am
Attendants: Palagiano, Choo, Jordan, Watanabe, Tanabe, Sung
Jordan noted that this Business Meeting cannot decide, but just propose. Every proposal had to be confirmed by the ICA branch of the joint Commission/Working Group to achieve the rank of a decision.
Watanabe reported on Aug 7 sessions: all papers presented except Gerry Utama. Sessions well attended. ca. 25 participants in average. Mails were sent out to presenters (except Andrew Wilson) informing extension of deadline (14 Aug).
Palagiano noted that editing will be done by Mr Morri (Sapienza). Information on the web Palagiano is in charge, and noted that it was good to have the broad topic of toponymy covered (not focusing on specific branches of toponymy), and that it should be kept this way in the future toponymy sessions in the framework of IGU and ICA conferences. Specific workshops outside IGU and ICA events could then be devoted to specific topics.
Choo noted that the core spirit of the toponymy sessions within IGU conferences should be geography.
The efforts to distribute leaflets on UNGEGN / UNSCGN at the session was acknowledged, and Palagiano noted that that should be mentioned more in the sessions.
Conference Secretariat’s consideration on room and timetable was acknowledged – Having all sessions in one day in the same room.
Jordan reported on activities since the last BM
Koeln IGU Congress: 4 Toponymy sessions 16 papers presented (23 received). All very well attended. No plans for publication of proceedings.
Proceedings of ICC Paris toponymy sessions published (editor: Jordan / Ormeling)
Events that need to be planned:
Krakow 2014 – agreed we should hold toponymy sessions. Jordan to be the main convenor.
Concern raised that it is just one week before ICOS Glasgow.
Rome December 2014 – workshop on toponymy (2 days?) proposed by Palagiano. Topical session suggested – “Place name changes”. To be organized jointly with another partner? Jordan suggests Dutch/German Speaking Division of UNGEGN and will propose this to the current chair (Germany).
Choo reported on chair’s meeting 7 Aug
* IGU commissions award for the most successful commission – prize $2500. guidelines established
* Research Assessment – Text of San Francisco declaration was circulated
* Concern on registration fee / possibility of student discount – extensive funding available this time.
* Collaboration with UNESCO
* Sustainable Cities project
* New IGU bulletin is out, featuring activities 2008-2012.
Choo noted that timely submission of the Commission report to this publication would be necessary for further issues.
Jordan announced forthcoming activities:
Aug 2013, Leipzig: Joint three commission of ICA workshop 2days / back to back with Dresden. 40 participants expected. / Dresden ICC: 2 toponymy sessions
May 2014, Bangkok UNGEGN
June 2014, Hermagor Austria, UNGEGN exonym working group
- Professors Jordan and Palagiano
- Professors Jordan, Palagiano, Choo, Tanabe and Watanabe during the conference.
- Professors Jordan, Palagiano, Choo, Tanabe and Watanabe during the conference.
- Professors Jordan, Palagiano, Choo, Tanabe and Watanabe during the conference.
- Professor Palagiano during the conference.