Professor Cosimo Palagiano, Helen Kerfoot, Peter Jordan, Georg Gartner and others decided to establish a Commission of Toponymy, which would study the Geographical names from the point of view both of geography and cartography.
Some topics in which the Commission is involved:
- Functions of place names on maps
- Rendering of place names on maps
- Names placement on maps
- Elaborating principles for creating new place names
- Place names as expression of time – or space-related identity
- Place name/feature relations
- Motives for place naming and administration (including feminine place names)
- Place names and transportation
- Place names in the cyber world
- Social dimensions of place names
other related topics:
- Uses of toponyms for school education
- Unofficial, aboriginal, vernacular, historical toponyms;
- Microtoponyms
- Dual or bilingual toponyms, exonyms.